It’s March 17th, 2023 - St Patrick’s Day.
And although I know this info may feel uncomfortable to a lot of folks who love celebrating this day, I actually see it as a perfect opportunity to address a few things. And I don’t mean to take you away from your festivities. At all.
First off, I guess need to frame this for you. Especially if you have not been following along with me on Telegram. There’s a big mind-hurdle that needs to be addressed before one can really take in the things that I’m about to say. Much of what we have been taught through the Christian Church is dogmatic malarkey. Some of you are long past this hurdle and some may be eyeing it suspiciously, wondering if it’s something that, if you look into it, is going to cause you to stumble in your Faith. I can’t make that call for you. But I can say that there is a reason you are here reading this and it’s probably because you are ready to do so. Personally, my Faith has never been stronger since I unwound myself from the tentacles of “The Church”. But everyone is different and I do not pretend to be able to dictate to anyone what their spiritual journey should look like.
That being said…
There is ancient knowledge that has been passed down through the ages. I call this the “Original Knowledge” for lack of a better term for it. It encompasses the ways of the Universe: Knowledge of Universal Law, Astronomy and Astrology (which is far more important than most people realize), Nature, Medicine and the Healing Arts, the Physical Sciences and their mystical counterparts, understanding of the Four Elements, understanding of the Macrocosm as it relates to the Microcosm, the human body and its functions on multiple planes of existence, Alchemy, Energy, Frequency and Vibration, Regeneration, Time and Eternity, etc etc. There is a lot that falls into this category of Original Knowledge.
Some of this information is coming out now. It is being revealed and we are, literally, living through the Apocalypse. Because apocalypse actually means to reveal, or uncover. You may be becoming familiar with concepts like the Law of Attraction, “Vibes”, Frequencies and the like. Everyone is at a different point on their individual journey of discovery and awakening, so I will TRY to make this universally understandable.
What people need to understand, is that this Original Knowledge has been hidden, or ‘occulted’, for a very long time. And for good reason. It is extremely powerful and it has been attacked throughout history. There are those who have kept it safe, however, and on this particular day, I’d like to address one of those groups of people — The Druids. The ancient priest / priestess class of the Celts. They are wildly misunderstood and I hope to clear some of that up here. I also hope to open some eyes to what has been done on a grander scale to keep you/us/the people in the dark.
So, what does all of this have to do with St. Patrick’s Day, TR? And why do I get the feeling you’re going to say something that pisses a lot of people off?
Well, because I probably am, but I don’t mean to.
What else is new?
As the story goes, good ‘ol Saint Patrick was a Brit, not an Irishman. He was taken into slavery at the age of sixteen and spent several years in captivity as a herdsman in Ireland. He escaped and was reunited with his family, only to return years later when he was sent to convert the Irish heathens to Christianity. Many of the stories about him paint him as the founder of the Catholic Church in Ireland and they make all of this sound like a lovely improvement for all involved. According to these stories, he also did everyone the favor of chasing all the nasty snakes out of Ireland. The dates for this vary wildly, but it was supposedly somewhere around 432 CE.
That all sounds pretty nice if you are a Christian and you view it as a win for the Church. I view it as a win for the Church, too. But it does not make me happy and I do not view it as good thing. Those “snakes” that he chased out of Ireland? Those were the Druids. There were actually no snakes in Ireland at the time and research suggests that there never were. The snake is a metaphor for those who posed a threat to the Church and its complete conversion of the people. Seeing as how the snake was a sacred Druidic symbol known as the “Snake of Wisdom”, it’s pretty easy to see how the metaphor was formed. It also leads into a discussion of the snake as a symbol of evil used in the Church and of the story that was built to use fear to keep people away from the “Tree of Knowledge”. (Again, there is so much here that needs to be delved into, but I’m trying to stay focused on the Druids.)
The Druids were a priest class; well-established in the land and they were exceptionally skilled at ministering to the people, healing their illnesses and helping them to thrive. According to Manly P. Hall in The Secret Teachings of All Ages:
“At the time of the Roman conquest, the Druids were thoroughly ensconced in Britain and Gaul. Their power over the people was unquestioned, and there were instances in which armies, about to attack each other, sheathed their swords when ordered to do so by the white-robed Druids.”
Despite the influence and power that they held, eventually the intense efforts of the Church crushed the Druids and their way of life. And it did not just chase them away…the Druids were slaughtered, much like the witches were burned in Salem and the unbelievers were hunted during the Inquisition. Fear and Death were used as powerful tools to manipulate the people and bring them to heel. Deeming that it wasn’t enough to just kill the Druids, their bodies were completely drained of blood and THEN burned just to make sure that nothing remained of their power. The blood was burned, too. This was done to prevent even a drop of their blood from “calling out” to their ancestors. They are believed to have possessed a rare blood type connecting them directly to their lineage which the Church was rather afraid of and felt the need to stamp out. Incidentally, the Druids’ sacred temples, which were built upon powerful energetic ley lines were confiscated by the Church and repurposed for its own agenda.
According to Manly P. Hall, it’s believed that the Druids received their “Druidic Mysteries” from the Tyrian and Phoenician travelers who established colonies in Britain and Gaul thousands of years before the Christian Era. Their Order, considered to be one of the ancient Mystery Schools, was very similar to the Bacchic and Eleusian Mysteries of Greece as well as the Egyptian Mysteries of Isis and Osiris.
According to James Freeman Clarke in Ten Great Religions,
“The Druids believed in three worlds and in transmigration from one to the other: In a world above this, in which happiness predominated; a world below, of misery; and this present state. This transmigration was to punish and reward and also to purify the soul. In the present world, said they, Good and Evil are so exactly balanced that man has the utmost freedom and is able to choose or reject either.
This would indicate that the Druids did not invent their teachings, but that they came from other peoples. Interestingly, the Druids did not write their teachings down. They passed them on orally and someone who was chosen as an Initiate or Ovate / Ovydd would be embarking on a venture of many years just to learn the material, much less master its use.
So, let’s address the elephant in the room shall we? I can hear it now, “But, the Druids were Pagans! Pagans are BAD. Of course they needed to be removed.”
Ok - I hear you and I understand why you may be feeling this way. But I’d ask you for a bit of latitude as I present a different viewpoint to you.
What is a Pagan? Is it someone who worships Satan and sacrifices animals and people? Nope. That’s the first thing we need to set straight. That a is a lie perpetrated by all who wish to cover over what they actually were (and are). It’s also unwittingly perpetuated by anyone who takes that explanation as truth without investigating for themselves — which is many of us; because who has time to dig in to all the things we’ve been taught, told and conditioned to believe? And that’s part of the grander picture of the state of affairs today. Most of us are too busy just trying to survive to spend time trying to figure out if the beliefs we hold about things are accurate or not.
For instance, references to sacrificing animals in occulted language is actually a representation of the need for a person to “sacrifce their animal desires” in order to gain mastery over themselves. You’ll find these allegories in the Bible and other ancient texts, but very few people understand that their literal, surface meanings are just that - an exoteric cover for their deeper, esoteric meanings.
Much of what has been taught to us is patently incorrect and we have to be willing to dig in and discover the truth in order to really understand our world. Sometimes just taking the time to look at the actual meanings of words and their etymology can lead us down roads of inquiry that we didn’t even know existed.
A Pagan is actually defined as someone who is not Christian, Muslim or Jew; one who does not practice any of the major accepted religions. Often they are described as polytheistic, but that’s not really the full story. They are also described as people who worship Nature as opposed to a monotheistic deity. Not really something I would describe as evil, although I know many have been taught to think so. I’m not advocating paganism, nor am I trying to condemn anyone’s Christian beliefs. Instead, I am asking that we take an objective look at what has happened and try to actually understand.
Here is a bit more from James Freeman Clarke on the Druids:
“The Welsh Triads tell us there are three objects of metempsychosis: to collect into the soul the properties of all being, to acquire a knowledge of all things and to get power to conquer evil. There are also, they say, three kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the nature of each thing, of its cause, and its influence. There are three things which continually grow less: darkness, falsehood, and death. There are three things which constantly increase: light, life, and truth.”
Doesn’t sound to me as though they were inherently evil. But that’s up to each person to research and decide. I have a very hard time believing that killing off an entire group of people based on their beliefs can be justified in any way shape or form. But that is what has been done by associating the Druids with ritual sacrifice and other atrocities. We hear about their slaughter and think it’s ok because they were the “bad guys”. Faulty logic in my book. Very faulty indeed.
The Pagan ways were hijacked by the church in order to convince the people to buy in to what they wanted them to believe. The only way the Church could accomplish that was by wiping out those who practiced the original, ancient ways and then using their celebratory days and symbols for their own purposes. For instance - Christmas is celebrated at the Winter Solstice, the time at which the Sun is “born” and begins its rise from the longest night of the year into days of growing light: The Birth of the Savior.
As stated in the Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland:
“Nothing is clearer than that Patrick engrafted Christianity on the Pagan superstitions with so much skill, that he won the people over to the Christian religion before they understood the exact difference between the two systems of belief.”
The Druids were just one example of the people who were targeted by the Church. The ancient Mystery Schools as a whole were hunted and destroyed by the Holy Roman Empire in an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that threatened its consummate power over the people. The burning of the Great Library of Alexandria is a glaring example of this. At its height the library is said to have housed the largest collection of works by the most brilliant minds anywhere in the world, containing much of the Original Knowledge and teachings. What I want to point out here is that the Original Knowledge is really what was being attacked and destroyed. Snuffed out like candles anywhere it was to be found.
The destruction of the Library in the 5th century assisted in ushering the Dark Ages. Dark because the Light of Knowledge and Wisdom was largely stamped out and because the Light that did survive the assaults went into hiding in order to protect it. The Druids passed their knowledge down orally. They did not keep books, perhaps one of the reasons that the Druids themselves were so fiercely hunted and killed. They, themselves, were “the books”. One who was chosen to enter the Order spent upward of twenty years learning the material and a lifetime perfecting their work. And before he or she was allowed entrance into the process, the person was severely tested to ensure that their character was beyond reproach.
The Druids, like other esoteric societies, took good people and made them better by imparting them with some of the deepest wisdom available to mankind. If that knowledge had not been killed off and forced into hiding, I can’t help but wonder if the world would be in a much better condition than it is now.
I see many indications of this Original Knowledge coming to Light now. I see people waking up to many of the illusions that we have been immersed in for our entire lives, and I hope with all my heart that we can do so in a way that unites us all. The days of division need to end. It’s time for all of us to listen to other viewpoints and examine other beliefs with open minds and and open hearts. Listen to understand, not to judge — and not to condemn.
That tactic has prevailed for long enough.
An excellent piece, thoughtfully and thoroughly presented - as always.
Pagan knowledge (and practice,) is derided as New Age too, which is truly ironic, as it pre-dates formal Christianity, by millennia.
I laugh out loud, every time I read, or hear, someone trying to silence practitioner's of Druid/Pagan beliefs, with the term, "New Age," as if it were being wielded like the Sword of Truth.
In historical terms, Christianity is amongst the younger of practised theologies. It IS, " New Age."
I continue to hope for the respect, understanding and acceptance of ancient knowledge.
Thank you, again, for your Apocolypse- un-vieiling of Truths.
Wow, TR…… Holding back the tears as I’m reading this!! For many reasons, but suffice it to say; brilliantly written!! What a GIFT you have been given in being able to research, retain & understand information — and then disseminate it in such a concise and easy to understand manner.
And this…….
“The days of division need to end. It’s time for all of us to listen to other viewpoints and examine other beliefs with open minds and an open hearts. Listen to understand, not to judge — and not to condemn.
That tactic has prevailed for long enough.”
What could I possibly add to that??….
Just — Precisely!!!
Thank you, friend. This was not only an educational treat, but wonderfully motivating & encouraging, too.
— Hege ఌ